Monthly Archives: March 2014

FNAIM Says ‘Non’!

FNAIM’s letter arrived this morning and, in all honesty, we did not expect anything different to what was written! Here’s a reproduction of the contents of the response to our request to FNAIM to consider the new documentary evidence that we sent to them, evidence that unreservedly proves the Immobilier, who was supposed to be acting for us, actually assisted with setting us up. Deceiving clinker-plonker!  

Dated: PARIS, le 7 mars 2014

“Objet: litige Agence F IMMOBILIER

Madame, Monsieur,

Nous accusons réception de votre nouveau courrier le 19 février 2014 concernant l’affaire qui vous oppose à l’Agence F IMMOBILIER.

Nous ne pouvons que vous confirmer les termes de notre correspondence du 29 novembre 2013.

La FNAIM ne peut allier au-delà de la décision rendue par les tribunaux dans ce dossier.

Nous vous prions d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de nos salutations distinguées.”

Brief translation of the main points – ‘We acknowledge your correspondence of the 19 February 2014 concerning your opposition to the real estate agent F. We confirm the terms of our correspondence of 29 Novembre 2013. FNAIM cannot go beyond the decision of the tribunals in this case. Please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurances of our highest consideration.’

There we go, FNAIM told Monsieur C (in writing) in 2007 that they would not intervene until after the Courts had made a final Judgement. Ambiguous, or what!

So, will we let this one go, do you think? Let the lying, scheming, cheating, greedy Immobilier continue to play his part in destroying the lives, hopes and dreams of other buyers? Absolutely not! But, we will put this on the back burner for the time being, according to an old (not pleasant!) proverb, ‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat.’

Oh, yes, there is, bad publicity can sink a business even more quickly than an iceberg can sink a liner!

We are still waiting for a response from the Chambre des Notaires. We know they received our letter and the enclosed new evidence, the signed AR receipt was returned to us within a couple of days of us posting the letter and document to them, last month.

Mmmmmmm, I wonder if this is the stage where we are, once again, told that we sent an empty envelope! Oh la la!

I have to say, before I toddle off into the glorious sunshine – Spring has certainly arrived in the Haute-Vienne – there are many super, professional, honest, decent, hard-working Immobiliers out there, we have met quite a few on our travels around France. This blog post is relevant only to the Immobilier who helped to truss us up like turkeys! If anyone who is reading my blog is an Immobilier who is interested in helping us to sell our ‘pile’, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are honest folks, unreserved honesty is all that we ask from real estate agents in return.

There is a Contact route on our website, Tom and I will be in the Cantal, l’Auvergne, at the house, from 1st April for at least a week. Yes, this year! Oh, and the property is sold with vacant possession – it feels so good to type those words!

Here’s the link to our website –





Posted by on March 8, 2014 in World


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“One Small Step…….”

When I started writing this blog post, well over two weeks ago, the title was, ‘Move Over, Victor – I Don’t Believe It!’ But, I did not feel comfortable with that title, I’m not a natural whinger and the world is filled with folks who have far more to whinge about than I do.

Yes, I was upset because my third puter in 5 years had suddenly died on me. I lost all my emails and my email contacts list, and I knew I had unopened emails to answer. Within the past 24 hours, my techie-brilliant son has been able to access and retrieve my emails and contacts list, I will be replying to those previously unopened emails later today. Thank you, Paul, you really are a wizard of the cyber-world.

Hopefully, that’s alright, then. This ancient puter that has been loaned to me will do the jobbit that I require of it – and, I’ll happily put up with the fact that it ‘moves’ too slowly to catch a virus and the keyboard sounds like a big bass drum as I type! Chuckle!

Not only did Netbook 3 bite the dust, but I was quietly waiting for the final results of a multitude of tests that would tell me, once and for all, why I have been feeling like death warmed up for months, since the end of last summer. But, on reflection, I would not have been the only little old lady in that position, I bet there were thousands, if not millions, of us in the same boat. Self-pity is not attractive, it’s boring and totally non-productive. So, I told myself, ‘get your act together, Hobo Chrissie, man up’. And, I did, I manned up!

Anyway, results of the various medical tests offered me a bit of a double whammy, the first part being a benign skin cancer on my right shin (Histiocytosis). Operative word – benign. That will teach me to appreciate that I am not immortal, wearing shorts virtually all the year round means I must also ‘cream up’ virtually all the year round! But, here’s the surprise factor – it seems that the benign skin tumour may have evolved from an ant bite!

I had noticed in November last year that a cluster of ant bites weren’t healing, the pesky insects had made a meal of my right leg way back in August. I am very sensitive to bites and stings, no matter what insect takes a fancy to my flesh and blood! However, after travelling to the (beautiful) Puy de Dome, I’d had an arthritis ‘flare’ and that took my mind off the still persistently itching ant bites. Trying to find some relief from the arthritis pain, I visited a very helpful pharmacist to check out some natural remedies that were recommended by super friends. The pharmacist pointed out to me that one of the ant bites seemed to be ulcerating and she advised me, strongly, to visit a doctor. I followed her advice, but not until after Christmas. You see, being a hobo for so long definitely gave me a false sense of security. Hobo Chrissie, you are NOT immortal, take that on board!

Suffice to say, eventually, the doctor here in the Haute-Vienne packed me off for a thousand and one tests (ok, a thousand and one is a bit of an over the top description!) and I was hit straight between the eyes by the double whammy! The benign skin tumour became the least of my worries, the second part of the whammy was looking like it could well be leukaemia. Can you see where Victor Meldrew’s catch-phrase comes into this? Sheesh!

But, it isn’t leukaemia, not at this stage. My various pills and potions, the ones that have grown on me over the years, have now been joined by truly enormous once-daily ‘bombs’ that are sulphur coloured and contain just about all vitamins and minerals known to womankind (it doesn’t have to be mankind!). Regular monitoring should ensure that deterioration does not arrive by stealth!

That’s alright, then. Sorted! What the heck did I have to whinge about? Nothing. Relax, Victor, I’m leaving your catch-phrase alone, on this occasion. Wink!

Back to the tale in hand.

Just before Netbook 3 expired, I wrote to the Law Society, Toulouse Board, to let them know we were still waiting for our file, including our Property Deeds, to arrive from our third and last avocat, Maitre AB. Despite having been assured by the Law Society, last November, that Maitre AB would be sending our file to us, sans plus tarder, aka without delay, she had not done so. I told the Board in my letter that it was no surprise to us, but, it was frustrating because we need our Property Deeds to be in hand before we begin the serious business of selling ‘the pile’.

During the past few days, we have received the following:

1. From the Law Society, Toulouse Board, copy of a (clearly) irritable missive addressed to Maitre AB, demanding (yes, demanding!) that she send our file to us without further delay. Love it!

2. From the Law Society, Toulouse Board, copy of another missive addressed to Maitre AB, informing her that the Board is ready to convene to determine if we were failed by our legal representatives during our vice cache proceedings.

3. On Friday 28 February 2014 – we received a very large package from Maitre AB. It required two signatures on two separate documents before Madame Post-lady could possibly hand the package to us. Bless her, Madame Post-lady is a lovely lass, always smiling, always cheerful, with the most expressive eyebrows I have seen in my life! She was “positive” that the package contained “good news, Monsieur et Madame”, her eyebrows were in total agreement with her words – they were above her hairline (eat your heart out, Mister Spock!), and she sported a wall-to-wall grin that actually brought the sun out from behind swiftly dissipating storm clouds!

Madame Post-lady’s eyebrows, grin and assurance were not wrong. The package contained a very polite, extremely civil, letter from Maitre AB, accompanied by our entire vice cache file including our Property Deeds!

YES! “One small step……….”, and a battle won! 

Next time? “Four Become Seven – Back To The Auvergne”. Honestly!  


Posted by on March 2, 2014 in World


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